How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 167 - Danger

Chapter 167 - Danger

"And for the first trial run, I will be going to the Old Blood Guild," I replied.

Of course, satisfying my curiosity was a large part of why I created this exchange program and why I was volunteering to be the first test subject, it was not the only reason.

Making a fake secret organisation is harder than one would expect. It requires precision and efficiency that not many are capable of.

So even if I am just pleasing my easily distracted mind, I still need to be efficient about it.

In other words, there\'s another reason I have chosen Old Blood Guild; Jennifer.

I need a suitable pawn, and after going through the records of everyone who attended my Seminar stayed and till the end (minus the Guild Master of the Blue Orca Guild whose name I have already forgotten), I determined that Jennifer was the best possible candidate for being the pawn.

Well, if we are considering her usefulness in chess terms, it would be more apt to call her \'Queen\'.

But then again, I have several Queens.

Wait, each side in chess is supposed to have only a single Queen, yet I have several. In other words, my analogy is wrong.

And even if we put that aside, if I call everyone I use a Queen, that term itself will become generic and non-special.

After all, when everyone is a queen, no is a queen.

Hmm, I might have to think a bit more about what I call the people I use.

"Why you?" Azell\'s eyebrows rose.

An expected question.

"I told you that we need reliable data. What better way to get it than going into the field myself?"

"Don\'t researchers usually task people they trust to go out in the field and collect data so that they themselves can focus on their research?"

Why is this turning into an intellectual conversation?

In fact, now that I think about it, there have been several occasions where my banter with these wankers suddenly turned into intellectual conversations. Just what the hell is going on?

Does this mean they are growing?

Nah, I just have lowered my level too much.

"Anyone that insists upon drawing a line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards."

"General Gordon," Azell smiled ever so slightly.

Oh my.

"Exactly. I don\'t think I need to prove myself any further."


Bruh, don\'t tell me that he wants me to give him more reasons why he should let me be a part of this exchange program.

Oh well, if he continues refusing to let me go to the Old Blood Guild, I\'ll just accuse him of infringing on my rights and use it as an excuse to leave the New Dawn Guild and go commit suicide I mean sleep like the Jew who had just been transported to a gas chamber.

Gotta maintain my suicidal innuendos.

\'I\'m going to commit suicide\': Old, boring, overdone, feels like I\'m asking for help.

\'I\'m going to dress up like a pinata\': new, exciting, never used before, gets people to laugh.

"So you are going as a spy," Azell declared.

A spy?

Hmm, I can see why he would think that.

I have no intention of being a spy, however. I mean, who would I spy for? The Secret Organisation whose sole member is me?



"I\'m going as a corporate spy. Please use the correct terminology."

But since he thinks I am a spy, what reason do I have to make him believe otherwise? In fact, stopping him would be counterproductive.

If I want them to believe that the Secret Organisation exists, I have to make them independently think about the organisation\'s actions.

In other words, some of the aspects of the organisation have to be thought up by themselves. After all, they are more likely to believe a conclusion if they arrive at it by themselves.

"And what exactly are you trying to find, Mr. Corporate Spy?" Azell asked.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not trying to find their hidden secrets or anything. We just want an idea of how the Old Blood Guild functions, what its hierarchy structure is et cetera. Just the general stuff."

"Wait… is that why you are here with us?"


"No, of course not. You were the one who saved me, remember?"

Don\'t tell me that he believes that everything that happened back when we met was the result of someone pulling the strings from behind the shadows.

That would be utter stupidity.

But it could be amusing.

Letting that suspicion fester in Azell\'s mind would prevent him from getting too close to me, which is exactly what I want from these wankers.


"It doesn\'t hurt to confirm, does it?"

"I won\'t deny that. As for the answer… Well, who knows?" I shrugged.

"…" His eyes widened ever so slightly.

Ez peezy lemon squeezy.

"Now, the answer, please. Do you agree to be a part of this trial run?"


Hmm? Did a dick get stuck in his throat or what?

"Yohooo, Azell?" I waved my hand in front of him. "You there?"

"Hmm? Ah, uh, sorry for that. What were you saying?"

Seems like the possibility of me being a corporate spy as well as our meeting being a premeditated event hit him harder than an alcoholic dad beating his wife and children.

"I asked if you agree to be a part of the trial run."

"What happens if I don\'t?"

"We will look for another Guild."

"The organisation has spies in the other guilds as well?"

I simply smiled in return.


"Just kidding," I chuckled. "I\'ll just transfer to that Guild to be a part of this exchange program."

I mean, what\'s the point of conducting this exchange program if I am not a part of it?

That would be like making a Dragon fly backwards; weird and completely pointless.

"…" He raised his eyebrows again.

The people of this Guild sure like using their eyebrows. Is it a fad, or maybe a custom, among the people of this world?

"So?" I raised my eyebrows as well.

It\'s important to keep up with fads; I don\'t want to be called a fucking boomer, after all.

"…Sure," he smiled. "Tell the organisation that the New Dawn Guild is ready to be a part of the trial run of the exchange program."

A simple \'sure\' would have been enough, but you do you, chief.

"Perfect," I smiled. "Looks like we\'ll be working together for a long time to come," I extended my hand towards him.

"I look forward to it," he shook my hand.


"When will this trial start?" He asked.

"This evening."

"So soon?"

"There\'s no point in waiting."

"What if Jennifer doesn\'t agree?"

"Someone from the organisation should already have informed her about the exchange program."

And by someone, I mean moi. I sent her a letter before coming to meet Azell through a teleportation channel.

Along with the explanation, the letter asked her to tear the letter apart if she did not agree to be a part of this trial run.

And so far, the magical formation on the letter which hasn\'t sent me a signal that the letter has been destroyed, which can only mean that Jennifer has agreed to be a part of the trial run.

"Ah, I see."

"The fact that there has been no communication from the organisation\'s side means everything is going as planned. Since there\'s no point in waiting, we\'ll start this evening."


"Now if you\'ll excuse me, I have to pack my bags."

"Understood. Let me know when you leave."


"I\'ll also have to tell the others that you are leaving."

"About that… don\'t."

"Why not?"

"It\'s more fun this way," I winked and opened the door.

"You and your weird sense of humour," he sighed as I stepped outside and closed the door.

Then I opened the door and peeked inside, "By the way what I said about transferring to another Guild in case you don\'t agree to be a part of the program was just a joke."


"See ya later, alligator," I closed the door before he could say anything else.

Now then, time to pack my bags.

I just have to put my several pairs of shirts and trousers as well as my coffee making apparatus in a bag, so it should be fairly easy.

My other things are safely stored in my Inventory, after all.

And so, with the intention of getting ready to leave, I came back to my room, only to be greeted by Mr. Cat.

"Hello there."


"Actually, I\'m leaving for another Guild this evening, so starting today, you\'ll have to pester someone else. It was nice being with you."

"Meow?" It tilted his head.

Hmm, didn\'t that make it sound like I was leaving this Guild for good? Wow.

"Now then, where\'s my bag- hmm?"

I felt a slight buzzing on the middle finger of my left hand. I looked down, and sure enough, the black ring which I gave to everyone was glowing and buzzing.

In other words, someone is in danger.

I tapped on the ring and accepted the call.

However, all that came from the other side was just the sound of heavy breathing.

?Well, well, Lecia,? suddenly, an unfamiliar man\'s voice came out of the ring. ?Remember me??

Boy oh boy.

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