The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs

Volume 6, 3 - Sister and Brother

Volume 6, Chapter 3 - Sister and Brother

The heads of the six great noble families gathered in a meeting.

Most of them had bitter faces, and Albert also had a tired look on his face.

The Kingdom has sent some troublesome people, haven’t they?

Until now, they had been negotiating with a man from the Kingdom for reparations because of the incidents that took place.

They wanted to get this matter out of the way before New Years’ Eve. After all, next years’ New Years’ Eve had a different meaning.

After the incident with Loic, many events in the Republic had been canceled. From a foreign perspective, the Republic seems to be in the midst of an emergency. In order to disprove this impression, the New Years’

Festival was to be held with a great deal of pomp and excitement. The big task beforehand was to negotiate with the Holfort Kingdom.

The person sent by the Kingdom to negotiate was so difficult to deal with that everyone was exhausted.

Then suddenly, a person opened their mouth.

That person was Lambert, the Head of the Faiviel family.

He was a small, lanky man with a lonely look and unflattering personality.

Such a man would not dare to hide his indignation.

“What humiliation! It’s unheard of for the undefeated Republic to be mistreated so badly by a third-rate state like the Kingdom.”

Everyone was angry and wanted to agree, but reality was different.

Bellange, head of the Barielle house, also expresses his frustration—at Lambert.

“Why is the man who was silent for so long speaking now?” The words expressed his clear dislike of Lambert.

Lambert flashed a ridiculous smile at Bellange.

“Whose fault do you think lies in this situation? By the way, how is the ex-heir who was rejected by the priestess?”


When Bellange stood up, Albert reprimanded him. “Let’s leave it at this. That’s enough, both of you.”

When they were about to leave, several subordinates asked for permission to enter the room.

When Albert gave them permission, the out-of-breath subordinates replied.

“It’s bad! It’s bad! The Holy Tree is—”

The dimly lit city was colored by the lights of the street lamps.

I exhaled and my breath turned white, it seems the Republic’s winters are cold too.

“If it snows, then it will be a White Christmas.”

It was Angie who gave me a questioning look at my words. “White—what?”

Angie and Livia are both standing with me between them. (IOI) They were both wearing coats, and their cheeks were a little red. “Leon-san, sometimes you say strange things, don’t you?” There’s no Christmas in this world.

There are events that replace it, though. Livia looks up at the sky.

“I’m sure you’ll find it interesting. When I saw the huge sacred tree, I thought it was a mountain.”

“Isn’t this a bit too big?”

When I look at the holy tree, I’m in awe at it’s size.

I wonder how long it took for it to grow to this size. Angie looked at her surroundings with interest.

“I see some airship-like vehicle travelling on the ground. They must be more convenient for transport. If an airship were to crash, there would be large damage.”

Angie’s eyes lit up a bit as she looked at the street. “I’d love to bring vehicles like that to the Kingdom.

But it would difficult to supply fuel with the necessary magic stones. If we set the price high enough, it would be possible, but that would mean that most commoners won’t be able to afford it.”

I look at Angie, who is thinking about something so deeply, and am impressed.

“You’ve thought that much much about a single tram? Angie is amazing.”

Then Luxion, who loves to criticize me, cut into the conversation.

“Doesn’t the problem lie with Master? It’s sad that you don’t have a sense of urgency while witnessing a foreign powers technical superiority.”

“What’s the point of me considering that? I think the technical know-how should be considered by people greater than me.”

But that Roland guy doesn’t even work, so maybe he’s not thinking about it at all.

“Well, even if I abandoned that Roland, I probably wouldn’t feel guilty.” Angie looks at me and puts her hand on her forehead.

“Are you sure your allowed to call him that and get away with it?”

“Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether you’re a fool or a brave man. I know that you can be counted on to be reliable when the situation calls for it, but aren’t you too carefree?”

Seeing me smiling, Livia entered the conversation.

“I like the way you normally are, Leon. You are clumsy and kind—and cute.”

“Cute? Me?”

The one who replied was Luxion.

“Olivia! Do you want me to examine you? This could be a sign of serious brain or eye problems!”

This guy… is it really so strange that people say I\'m cute?! “I’m uh, well, I’m fine.”

“No, the fact you think that master looks good is the sign of an anomaly. Angelica is the same.”

“You think I’m crazy too?”

“Yes. Master is not a man of courage. Master is usually indecisive, and struggles at the critical moments. And he’s a terrible liar.”

And you’re a sucker for a AI. Did I do something wrong to you?

“Oh man, you are so full of sh*t! Don’t spread rumors just because you don’t like me.”

“Rumors? Do you have a problem with admitting facts? You definitely do, don’t you?”

“R-remember this. I’m going to get back at you.” We couldn’t stop badmouthing each other.

As we were arguing, Angie and Livia were laughing at us, as if it was funny.

“Forgive me. It’s a relief to see you guys are acting normal.”

—The same is true for Livia.

“Those two are as good friends as always. Leon couldn’t have changed that much while he was abroad.”

“Aren’t those two treating me like a kid?” “Master, may I ask you a question?” “What?”

“A flower is blooming on the holy tree. I’ve never heard of such a phenomenon occurring, do you know anything about it?”

We looked up but couldn’t see anything, so Luxion projected an image. It looked like a white chrysanthemum-esque flower in bloom.

“Does the sacred tree also bloom? But it looks unnatural in terms of position.”

Livia also had the same thought.

“Yes—it feels like it’s installed. Like a fake. Unnatural. It feels creepy and unpleasant.”

Livia felt creeped out.

White flowers on the sacred tree. What will happen in the future?

We arrived at Marie’s mansion, and the atmosphere seemed normal.

When I opened the door, Marie showed up. She gave me a disappointed look upon realizing I didn’t have my carry-on with me.

I guess she was expecting a souvenir.

A sweet and spicy smell came from the kitchen.

Julius appeared in the doorway suddenly, with Angie staring at him inexplicably.

“You’re all back? Sorry, dinner will be late again. I’ll be right back.” Julius is on dinner duty today.

Ever since he came back after being kicked out of the mansion, Julius has been handling dinner regularly.

It’s a good thing. It’s good yes, but the dinner he prepares is always skewers. Julius stepped back in to prepare the skewers.

Livia comforts Angie when she sees her covering her face. “Please get a grip, Angie.”

“Livia—I don’t feel regret being abandoned by His Highness. I don’t. But I can’t help but feel this indescribable feeling at the sight of him.”

I agree too. No one could have imagined that the Prince of the Kingdom would become fascinated with roasting skewers and become a chef. I didn’t imagine it either.

Once Cordelia-san arrived, she took our coats. “Welcome home. Will you be staying for dinner?” Angie let out a sigh.

We at lunch outdoors, but we didn’t have dinner because we thought we would have it here.

“I’ll have dinner. Those two as well.”

“Angelica-san, would you like for me to make a special menu for you two?”

“That would not be polite. We will be changing. Livia and I will be in our room.”

“Yes, ma\'am.”

Livia gives me a small wave and heads up the stairs to her room.

I walked to the dining room, where I saw Marie and the others eating. “It’s great not having to prepare dinner!”

There was also alcohol available near Marie, who was chewing on a skewer with both hands.

Rather than a dinner, it seems like a drinking party.

Carla, Marie’s friend and the person serving her looks happy. “Julius-dono will clean up after dinner, too.”

The one with a dumbfounded look on his face is Kyle, Marie’s servant. “Are you sure you can trust the prince with the kitchen?

Even if you can trust him with the tools—he is the Prince.”

Marie drank all the sake in one gulp, grabbing a skewer. She drank with dignity.

“Phew~. It’s okay, it’s okay! It’s fine, it’s fine! Julius likes to do it too. We’ll be leaving the Republic soon anyways.”

After the winter break, Leon and the others will be going back to the Kingdom.

This may just be the only time Julius will be able to immerse himself in his hobbies.

Thinking this, Marie let him do what he wanted. Seeings I was back, Noelle approached me.

“Did already eat dinner?” “No, I’m about to though.” “I se—oh, I’m sorry.”

Noelle, remembering that Angie and Livia were there, resumed her meal away from me.

I made Noelle worried.

Despite the fragile air over here, the idiots were enjoying themselves. Greg and Chris were arguing.

“Greg, don’t just eat the chicken breast. And why are you putting salt? Eat it with the sauce.”

“The chicken breast is my justice! The chicken breast is my justice! I only eat the chicken breast! Oh yeah, you can eat the rest.”

He’s obsessed with the chicken breast.

Also, despite him sounding sober, Chris was dressed weirdly. He was wearing loincloth and a happi coat.

He isn’t usually dressed like this. “Isn’t it cold?”

They gave me a hard time last year, so why am I with them right now? That\'s when it happens.

CRASH! I hear a crash, so I go into the kitchen to find Yumeria-san scrambling.

“Hey, you okay?”

I run over to her, and she’s on the verge of tears. “I\'m sorry. I just wanted to help you.”

She seems to have fallen over and broken the plate.

Julius stops Ms. Yumeria from trying to pick it up by hand.

“You\'ll get hurt, so let\'s get the tools. I\'m going to go get it,” he said,

"because I was working part-time at a food stall, I won’t be fazed by an accident of this magnitude. I was just a little impressed.

After being impressed, I check to see if Yumeria-san is injured. “It looks like you\'re not hurt.”

“I\'m sorry. I keep making mistakes.” A depressed Yumeria is really cute. “Don’t worry about it.”

Just then, Kyle came into the kitchen.

Ms. Yumeria is Kyle’s mother, despite her age. But it’s Kyle who looks like the mature one. “—Did you break another plate?”

“Kyle… I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“. .You should apologize to Master, not me. You shouldn’t be so careless, even if we can pay for them, they’re not cheap.”

I stopped when I saw Kyle who kept complaining to Ms. Yumeria. “Okay, you can go back to eat now.”

“No, I’ll help you clean up. In the first place, it’s wrong for servants to eat with their masters. Until now, I couldn’t afford a separate meal, but from now on it would be better to eat separately.”

“Kyle, I’m sorry.”

Ms. Yumeria was apologizing but Kyle’s attitude is cold. “Don’t apologize to me, apologize to your Master.”

Ms. Yumeria hurriedly bows her head towards me. “I’m very sorry!”

“No, that’s enough. Hey, Kyle! Be a little kinder to your mother.”

At the same time.

The mansion of the Rault family was just informed of the unusual nature of the sacred tree.

Louise and Serge were summoned to the office in the mansion. Louise crosses her arms and refuses to look at Serge’s face.

Serge has his hands in his pockets and he too turns his face away from Louise. In front of the two, Albert was still dismayed at their silent quarelling. There were more important things right now, however.

“The sacred tree has blossomed. I’ve had the records checked. This is a phenomenon that hasn’t occurred in the last three hundred years.”

Serge laughs when he hears this.

“That\'s nice. We\'re lucky to be able to see such a scene.”

“You have no idea what you\'re talking about. Why don\'t you try to understand your situation better?”


They glared at each other.

“The new year\'s festivities will take place as planned, although we\'ll have to wait and see. I\'m sure you\'ll both be able to attend.”

“A new year festival is for kids. I don’t need to go.” “Serge!”

Albert stopped Serge from leaving the room, but he left. Louise looked down and clenched her zither.

“I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to make it work.” “I\'m sure you\'ll forgive him, Louise. Serge is—”

“Why are you so concerned for him? Besides, even if he wanted to, Leon couldn\'t go to the New Year\'s party.

I\'m not going to forgive him."

The doctor diagnosed that Leon, who was very sick, would not survive the year. He wanted to visit the New Year\'s Festival.

In the end, that wish did not come true.

That\'s why—Louise wanted to have Leon participate in place of her brother.

It was also a way of making amends for not being able to fulfill her brother\'s wish.

Knowing this, and knowing that it would be troublesome, Albert also allowed Leon to participate, even though he knew it would be troublesome.

Even though he knew that Serge would be frustrated when he met Leon.

“I think I understand your hatred for Serge. But you’ve been family since we adopted him.”

Louise looked up and Albert saw a look of hatred in her eyes. “I will never accept him.”

Reaching for Louise as she left the room, Albert stopped to call out to her.

Back in the room, Louise took one small photograph from the desk drawer.

The one in the black and white photo was Leon.

In the past, pictures and drawings of her brother had been displayed throughout the castle.

But now there wasn\'t a single one. The reason is Serge.

Albert, who wanted an heir, adopted him—he threw away most of Leon Jr’s. photos. Leon Jr.’s room was also burnt, alongside all his memorabilia.

“Why!? He’s not family! Isn’t that right, Leon Jr.?”

Talking to the photo Louis remembers the day Serge came.

It had been three years’ since Leon Jr.’s death. The inside of the castle was less lively than ever.

The noisy brother was gone, and it was as if a fire had been extinguished.

However, if everybody knew the heir passed away, the vassals of the Rault family and the branch families would start making noise.

A meeting was held to resolve the situation, and Serge arrived at the castle. Serge’s parent’s were delighted that he would be the next Heir of the Rault family!

Only, Serge looked saddened, behind his parents. It couldn’t be helped, and Louise felt sorry for him.

She had a chance to be alone with him, and called out to him. “I\'m your sister from now on. I\'m sure we’ll get alo—

what\'s wrong? “--sai.” “What?”

“Oh, God, it\'s annoying! I\'m not going to be friends with you!” Serge ran out of the room.

It\'s a shock to Louise, who expected the same kind of reaction as her naive brother, even though they were different.

Did I make a mistake?

Louise had been struggling with Serge for days.

She had tried to get along with him after that, but Serge hadn\'t even looked at Louise.

And it was a few months after Serge\'s arrival.

“No. Oh no! Serge, stop it! Please, that\'s a gift from Leon!”

When Louise returned home, she saw Serge, who had thrown some of his pictures and paintings and other memorabilia into the fire.

She hugged Serge to stop him, but he shook her off.

Serge threw the items that Leon Jr. had given her into the fire.

When Louise tried to jump into the fire, she was seized by the rushing servants.

“Stop! Please, give it back!”

She reaches out her hand while crying, but what Leon gave her was a ring, made of paper. The poorly made and awkward item quickly burned

without a trace in the flames.

It was a memento known by the two of them alone, and the servants were bewildered, not knowing the circumstances. Only once—Louise had told Serge about the item only once. When she had taken him outside, Serge had shown interest in it, so she told him about it.

Serge watched it burn for a long time.

Louise cried and then shouted to Serge, "I hate you!

“I hate you, I\'ll never forgive you! —I\'ll never forgive you!”

And Serge, who had never looked at her face properly before, stared at Louise\'s face for the first time.

Before she knew it, Louise had fallen asleep, and she woke up lying face down on her bed, remembering a bad incident from her childhood. She hadn\'t even changed her clothes and was lying in bed.

—that is the worst dream I’ve ever had.

That day—her parents scolded Serge, but in consideration of his feelings, they removed the rest of Leon Jr.’s photos and paintings from the mansion.

If he saw them, Serge would probably destroy or burn them. Why did this happen?

Serge had grown to hate her brother. Normally, Albert would revoke the adoption.

However, Serge already received the coat of arms of the six noble families.

It wasn’t something that could be easily removed.

Being part of the branch family, the vassals consent, the domestic situation—despite all these variables, Serge was adopted.

Louise looked at her brother’s picture and spoke lovingly. “Leon, it’s almost New Years’ Day.”

When he returned to his room, Serge kicked his chair in frustration. He sat up in bed and looked up at the ceiling.

“What ‘New Years Festival’? Isn’t that just an event for those crazy about praying to the sacred tree. The contents aren’t meaningful at all. We pray and vow, then party, then young men and women enter the cave and make more vows to the stone monument inside But only family members of the seven main families are supposed to enter, so why am I going?”

“No, wait. If she’s engaged to Emile, will Lelia come too? I’ll attend.” The reason why he likes her is because she\'s easy to get along with.

She is not overly reverent like a noblewoman, and is a bit foul-mouthed, to his liking. She understands the fact that he admires adventurers.

For ordinary women, it is difficult to have a casual relationship with a member of the six noble families.

The rest—she hates his sister in the same way as he does.

Although he didn\'t say it with his mouth, Serge felt a sense of closeness in the way Lelia looked at Louise.

Sometimes, she looked at her with a complex mixture of indescribable love and hate.

Serge saw that and realized that Lelia was just like him.

From there, he began to take an interest in Lelia and found himself falling in love with her.

He was surprised even by himself when he realized he was in love with Lelia, because she was like a different type of person than his first love.

Remembering that much, Serge\'s expression became cloudy.

“My first love is going to come true. I\'m not going to give up on this one.”

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