Phoenix Phire

Chapter 2 - A Bit Of Warmth

Nix rolled over on the warm stone, slowly sitting up while he gathered his wits. He was on a spawning platform, similar to the one he had experienced at the Gladis Hub. He stood up and removed the outer coat.

"I see you are awake. May I help you, sir?" A feminine voice spoke from behind him. She wore light blue robes. Her black hair hung down her back in a long braid.

"I\'m Nix, somehow I\'ve lost my way. Could you tell me a bit about the area?"

She bowed slightly. "Well met Nix. I am Cyan, the temple cleric here. This is the Temple of Shi, the Ice Spirit of Cyphix City. Here, let me download you the local shops and businesses."

Nix felt his bracelet vibrate, he tapped it once, and the heads up display came up (hud). He cycled through the menus; this time, none of them were grayed out. He clicked on the map she had sent him, "I need to earn some money, so I can find a place to sleep. Any ideas?"

"You have yellow eyes, like the sun." She ignored what he said and handed him a token from her pockets. "This is a welcome token, newcomers to the city receive one."

"Oh... thank you." He rolled it over in his hands and then glanced up at her. "What do I do with it?"

Her laughter was light, like a summer breeze. "Give that to any Inn Keeper; it will pay for three days of food and lodging."

"Can you recommend one Inn over the others? I\'d like some peace and quiet, along with some good food."

"Try the Kindled Spirit Inn. Tell them that Cyan sent you."

After thanking her, he left the temple. It was cold outside, but nothing like the deadly temperatures he had endured. He slipped on his overcoat and walked down the steps.

He had assumed that Cyphix was small; however, that wasn\'t the case. The roads were made from a brown stone that gripped his shoes when he walked. The shops were made of red brick, and narrow alleyways separated most of them. As a former arsonist, he noted that Cyphix was unlikely to burn down to the ground.

He passed several weapons and armor shops as he walked toward the Kindled Spirit. He didn\'t see anything signifying a Tailor business. Carefully, he made his plans. First, he would get a room and something to eat. Then he would access his hud and find out everything he could about Colonial. He hadn\'t followed Virtual Gaming while he was wreaking havoc in New York. In this instance, knowledge was everything.

The Kindled Spirit was a wood building, the only one on its block. Its architecture seemed faintly European in design, lots of windows, and pointed roofs. He pushed open the heavy door and immediately felt comfort like he hadn\'t known in months. It was warm and smelled of barbecue and baked goods. A friendly-looking woman of middle age smiled at him when he walked in.

"Greetings Sir! Welcome to the Kindled Spirit. I\'m Hyai, the owner. What can I do for you today?" Hyai was a broad-shouldered woman with faded red hair and lots of freckles. Her impressive breasts seemed to defy gravity by sticking straight out. She wore an ankle-length blue skirt and a white buttoned shirt. The buttons protested by straining against the fabric. Small bits of white skin were visible next to each one.

He handed her the token that Cyan had given him. "Cyan sent me. I would like a room and something to eat."

She nodded and favored him with a smile, "We are serving lunch, we have bear stew or fried cod."

"I\'ll take the stew, and whatever that comes with."

"It comes with a pint, a loaf of bread, and a smile."

He smiled at her words, probably the first time he had done so for a long time. "That seems like a great lunch. Thank you."

He looked around the room. The table he had chosen was close to the fireplace, the warmth against his back, and the crackling of flames gave him comfort. There were no other customers in sight.

He opened his hud and brought up the gaming menu. There was a brief introduction, which he read carefully.

In Colonial, we take you on an adventure that spans seven different continents. We welcome back the days of pirates and seafaring. Not the pirate type? Then start your adventures as a powerful magic wielder capable of leveling entire cities.

Cities are all connected by portals. There is a small fee that is charged for those who are level 20 or higher. Explore to your heart\'s content, knowing that you don\'t need to pick a faction class until level 10.

There are two factions within Colonial, Sea Farers, and Terrans. In either of these factions, you can learn melee, ranged or magic skills. There are strengths and weaknesses in both, choose wisely.

There are no adventure classes in Colonial. If you wish to be a swordsman, then you train the sword. Each faction may train, one primary weapon and one secondary weapon. Secondary skills will only do 60 percent of your current primary weapon skill. If you choose the path of magic, then your primary weapon is replaced with a Path of Study.

Weapons in Colonial


Sword- [All Types]



Halberd [Includes all Spears]

Dagger [If the dagger is both primary and secondary, there are no penalties.]




Pistol [If the gun is both primary and secondary, there are no penalties.]


[Paths of Magic]

Death Magic: This magic primarily deals with raising corpses from the dead and using them as companions. High-level Death Mages are very rare. This is a result of them being quite weak in the lower and mid-levels.

Water Magic: Water Mages can heal, buff, and use water-based attack spells. With the right support skills, Water Mages may also use ice-based attacks. Ice Magic isn\'t its own path but rather is a hybrid of Air and Water Magic. Fire creatures have a natural fear of water and incur several penalties while operating in their environment. [See Fire Magic]

Fire Magic: Fire Mages stand alone as the most significant damage dealers in Colonial. The strength of these Mages is directly relevant to the type of fire they can wield. All Mage fires can be used in water environments. Using Mage fire underwater results in the mana pool being used at a much higher rate and a damage reduction. Water creatures have a natural fear of fire and incur penalties when operating in a fire habitat. [See Water Magic]

Healing Magic: The pure path of the healer is the strongest path of all. The cleric posses all the tools they need to keep individuals and groups alive in any environment. The best heals, the best buffs and a few crowd control spells make this class a necessity while raiding.

Wind Magic: There aren\'t may Wind Mages in Colonial. They are a great support class. They can substantially strengthen Fire, Water, and Range attacks. At the highest levels, Wind Mages are capable of short flights. They have no natural nemesis.

There are many support skills in Colonial. Everything from stealth abilities to first aide. You may learn up to three support skills; their total rating cannot exceed 10.

For Example: Combat Medic=6, Stun=3, Swim=1.

Some Support skills are scarce and can be challenging to find. There are a few that are readily available. Support skills may be reset at any time.

Colonial is an Open World game that lets you choose every detail of your adventure. There is a Main faction quest, but keep in mind that once you start down that trail, there will be many cities that no longer welcome you.

Some of our players choose to become LifeStyle players. At level 10, this is the alternative choice. Lifestyle players are not part of any faction and are considered non-combatants.

"Reading up a bit? It\'s a good idea." Hyai came back with a tray and set it down in front of him.

"Thank you.\' He immediately grabbed the mug, which was way bigger than any pint he had ever seen. He took a drink and coughed a bit. It was sweet and fizzy, although not unpleasant.

"Anything else, Mr. Nix?"

"Some company if you don\'t mind. Traveling can be a bit lonely." Nix smiled at her and sampled the stew. It was well seasoned, and the meat seemed to melt in his mouth. He sighed contently and continued eating.

Hyai nodded and took the chair across from him. She proved very easy to talk to. She was a widow with one daughter who had married and moved away. She had been running the Inn by herself for nearly a decade. She knew just a bit of fire magic, although by her admission was definitely not a mage.

After talking about local events and business, Nix pushed his tray away. He liked her warmth; perhaps it was her fire magic since he had some experience with fire himself.

She stood up and gathered his tray. "Anything else, Nix?" She had started calling him by his first name about halfway through his dinner.

A hot bath would be nice and perhaps some more company. He smiled so that she wouldn\'t misunderstand.

Her face blushed slightly, and she looked down. "This isn\'t that sort of establishment, Nix."

Nix laughed, "I do like a warm woman, but if you\'re against it, I\'ll just take a bath."

She handed him a key with a large wooden tag that said \'bath\' on it. "It\'s at the top of the stairs; there\'s a small closet next to it that has towels."

"Okay, thank you, Hyai."

Ten minutes later, he sunk up to his chin in steaming water. During the last few nights, he couldn\'t have imagined feeling so warm. The Bathroom was just big enough for the enormous porcelain tub. There was a full-length mirror on the back of the door.

Fully content, he felt himself starting to drift off until a soft knock on the door caught his attention. Hyai opened the door, a towel folded in her hands.

"I brought a towel." Her pretty face blushed slightly, making the scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose stand out more. "I\'m flattered, Nix; it\'s been a while since a man looked at me."

Nix sat up straight in the tub, watching her place the towels down and exit quickly through the door. "Nonsense, you are a beautiful woman."

A long while later Nix stood in front of the mirror, using the towel to dry off, he glanced at his image in the fog steamed mirror. "How did I end up here?"

"You seem very tired, Nix."

The words greeted him when he exited the bathing room. Hyai, the Inn Keeper, was carrying a basket full of fresh linens.

He laughed at her words, "just a bit. A warm bed seems like a distant dream."

"Shall I wake you for dinner?"

Nix shook his head, "I\'ll sleep instead. Tomorrow I need to get a better feel for Colonial."

"The City Library might be a good place to start. Lots of maps and cultural information that you can upload to your hud."

He watched her walk away. There was something very comforting about her manner. Nix climbed into the warm bed of his room a few minutes later. "I need to find some work, perhaps figure out this World\'s Geography and then make plans."

He yawned and closed his eyes. "Thanks, Glory," he mumbled softly.

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