Long Live Summons

Chapter 878: The Generous And Magnanimous Third Young Master

Chapter 878: The Generous And Magnanimous Third Young Master

In the tavern of White Stone City.

Because this was the place where the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan rose up in the ranks, the tavern here in White Stone City had once received a reward from the Warrior Guild. It was completely renovated and then, there was a room that was renovated into a martial arts square. In the middle of the square, there stood a statue of a juvenile flying an eagle. The statue implied that this is the place where the number one warrior of the Tong Tian Tower, Third Young Master of the Yue Clan, had started to soar.

There were not only many mercenaries from the Soaring Dragon Continent and young people with dreams who came to the White Stone City for sightseeing, even the several allied races of the Tong Tian Tower, such as dwarves, tauren, pigmen, golden elves, etc were here. There were many people who came here under the leadership of the Tong Tian Tower’s martial artists, all of them wanting to see the real location that symbolised the rise of the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan.

The soil in White Stone City was said to be a popular souvenir among all the tribes of the Tong Tian Tower.

Giving the other party a piece of White Stone City’s soil meant wishing the other party’s future generations to take off into the road of success.

Had it not been for Jun Wu You’s strict order to ban the digging of dirt, the houses that Yue Yang and Si-niang lived in would have most definitely been demolished.

“Really? A mercenary like me who has nothing but a pathetic life can also sign up for the wedding of the Third Young Masters? What? What did you say? Those who pass the test of the Dragon Knights Legion Army can get a Gold-ranked flying dragon and could even join the Dragon Knights Legion Army of the Third Young Master?” There was a one-eyed mercenary. He and his companions had just returned from a mission. When they entered the tavern, they immediately trembled with excitement. The wine in their hands spilled on the table without them noticing.

“It’s like a dream!” The mercenaries around them couldn’t believe their ears.

“Why would I, Gold Teeth, ever lie? Do you think that I’d earn some form of money if I lied to you? Besides, do you know what kind of person is the Third Young Master? So many people kept saying that he was more important than the imperial edict— you can suspect anyone else, but you must not question the Third Young Master. Besides, you can’t appreciate the greatness and kindness of the Third Young Master , which is why you had such dirty thoughts to question him. Fortunately, you are here— if you were to be in the capital, you would have been beaten up the moment you spoke badly about the Third Young Master!” There was an old mercenary with two golden teeth that was proudly sitting on a chair at the moment. He, who is usually a scumbag, now enjoys the honor of the tavern owner pouring wine for him and entertaining him. He was the one who relayed the news of the Third Young Master getting married and the formation of the Dragon Knights Legion Army, after all.

“I’m not questioning the Third Young Master, I wouldn’t dare to. I just couldn’t react properly,” The one-eyed mercenary quickly pleaded. It wasn’t really a joke; the crime of insulting the Third Young Master was not something that he could bear!

“I guessed that you wouldn’t dare to!” Golden Teeth laughed loudly, “Otherwise, I will use this old life of mine to fight you to the end.”

“Yes,” The strength of the one-eyed mercenary was more than ten times higher than that of Golden Teeth.

But, because he bore the news from the Third Young Master, the current Golden Teeth was simply sacred and inviolable.

Hence, the one-eyed mercenary apologized over and over again.

When the old mercenary Golden Teeth saw that the people in the tavern were attracted by the news he had brought, he felt very proud as everyone hovered around him.

He had even intentionally delivered the news at a calm and steady pace. He slowly picked up a crispy peanut with his chopsticks and chewed it tastefully, ignoring the curious mercenaries who were eager to know more about the news as they coaxed him repetitively.

He waited until the necks of the mercenaries were all tightened from the suspense before he slammed his chopsticks hard on the table, vividly saying, “Do you think that my name Golden Teeth was given for nothing? My news is definitely the latest and the most accurate! News in the White Stone City was always spreaded last; if we were in the big cities of the capital, it would have spreaded long ago… Think about it, can the betrothal gifts of the Third Young Master be that simple? What kind of person is the Third Young Master? Hehe, he prepared for this for such a long time, he must have definitely hosted a grand ceremony! I’ll say, you don’t know everything yet, because if you do, you would be shocked to death on the spot? The news that had been scrounged by this Golden Teeth is a mere bit. However, that mere bit of information is enough to make me tremble!”

“What the hell is the Third Young Master’s betrothal gift? Tell us about it!” The one-eyed mercenary poured wine to the Golden Teeth out of flattery.

“The part that cannot be said is a state secret, which is definitely not something that people like us have the right to know of. Even those who hold the power of the upper-ranks or the relatives and friends of the Third Young Master know of a part of the whole story. The most secretive part was that the Third Young Master had communicated secretly with both of His Majesties,” Golden Teeth had a glass of wine. His face was flushed as he patted the table very proudly, “If I had not accepted the task, I would not dare to talk of such nonsense. Do you know who sent me on this mission to deliver these messages?”

“Is it the Third Young Master?” The mercenaries were all excited when they heard it.

“In your dreams. The Third Young Master is a busy person and he is already piled up with marriage; where would he ever have the time to post some tasks for me? Besides, doing this kind of thing would not be in line with his noble status!” Golden Teeth sneered and despised the mercenary’s mediocre wisdom.

“Yes, yes, we were just stunned for a while,” The people in the tavern laughed. Indeed, the Third Young Master didn’t know Golden Teeth at all, so how could he ever issue a mission to him!

“The person who issued the task to me was the mentor of the Third Young Master. Speaking of the name, you must know that it is Master Xia Hou Wei Jie, the most famous eagle-eyed man in the Soaring Dragon Continent!” Golden Teeth wore a reminiscent expression, “Just yesterday, Master Xia Hou gathered all the mercenaries in the capital’s Mercenary Guild, which included me, and invited us to dinner. Then, he released an impromptu task of having us spread the news of the marriage of the Third Young Master. Before this White Stone City, I had already talked about this good news in four different cities. What? You want to know their reactions? It was no less than sensational! All the listeners were reluctant to let me go. If the task didn’t require forcing me to act, I wouldn’t have come here as I would already be overwhelmed by the mercenaries of the Red Forest City. Well, poor mercenaries, the dawn of your hope is here, and that is the greatest and kindest Third Young Master had officialised that if any of you can enter the Dragon Knights Legion Army or the Dragon Blood Guard Legion, don’t forget to be grateful for this gift from the Third Young Master!”

“Tell us! Tell us in detail!” The one-eyed mercenary and a few companions tidied up the table, and ordered the tavern owner to bring up a plate of the most famous Charcoal-fired Demon Achyranthes, all for Golden Teeth to enjoy alone.

“What about people like us who have no potential and are in their thirties? Our mission failed and we became paupers. I am afraid that we can’t even pay the registration fee for the Dragon Knights Legion Army!” There was another mercenary with a beard who sighed with worry.

In fact, there were many people who thought like him.

The mercenaries were all people who gambled their own blood for their livelihoods. They don’t know when they will die, so they spend money as soon as they get rich, gambling wildly with little to no savings.

Let’s not talk about the difficulty of the Dragon Knights Legion Army test yet.

They feared that they couldn’t even pay for the registration fees for the test.

“Pui!” Golden Teeth suddenly became furious as he pointed at the bearded mercenary’s nose and cursed, “How can you use such dirty thoughts to second-guess the kindness of the Third Young Master? Who said anything about a registration fee? Why would the Third Young Master want money from you lousy mercenaries who were worse than beggars? He just has to say one word and someone will pave a carpet of gold coins and let him walk on it. Who said that there is an application fee? No, one is not needed as it is totally free!”

“Completely free?” The mercenaries were dumbfounded as this was the first time they have heard of such thing

There is no free work in this world.

If this was truly free of charge, that would basically mean that the expenses would be handled by the Third Young Master himself.

In order to form this Dragon Knights Legion Army, the Third Young Master had already provided more opportunities and Flying Dragons for them, and yet he didn’t even charge a single cent for the registration fee?

When the mercenaries thought about it, they couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and angry at themselves. It was indeed much too disrespectful for them to use traditional ideologies to depict the Third Young Master. Imagining a noble person such as the Third Young Master, who was naturally the most generous person in the world, as a greedy vampire of wealth was definitely a tad too overboard— no wonder Golden Teeth got so agitated!

“Ah, I was wrong, I really didn’t know it was free. Besides, I didn’t intend to disrespect the Third Young Master, I just thought too much about it…” The mercenaries who blundered gave themselves a slap on the face and some of them apologised profusely, implying that they now knew of the generosity of the Third Young Master and would not ever badmouth him again.

“People with no potential or people like us who are of a senior age can’t enter the Dragon Knights Legion Army, so what should I do?” Someone asked.

“Listen. In fact, Lord Xia Hou told us a long time ago— no matter what your current strength is, the Third Young Master won’t look down on you and your innate rank does not matter in the eyes of the Third Young Master! No matter how bad you are, the Third Young Master will not dislike you; he is the greatest as there is no one else who does it like him. He knows that even if you’re not that apt in cultivation, it does not mean that you have no potential. The Third Young Master has his own ways of doing things as he has a method that could measure a person’s potential most accurately. Of course, you guys should keep expectations low— if your strength does not have potential, don’t be too disappointed. After all, anyone who is of a slightly older age might have used up your potential long ago, so it’s normal to be inferior to the younger generations… If you can’t enter the Dragon Knights Legion Army, your last hope would be to enter the Dragon Blood Guard Legion,” Golden Teeth firmly affirmed the greatness of the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan.

“Dragon Blood Guard Legion?” The mercenaries heard it as their eyes glimmered brightly.

“This Dragon Blood Guard Legion— to be precise, is both the easiest and the most difficult to enter,” Golden Teeth replied.

“How is it the easiest and the hardest?” The mercenaries in the tavern looked at each other in confusion. Isn’t that contradictory?

“The easy part is, it is said that anyone can enter and this door is always open for everyone. They’re always recruiting, so you can always be hopeful,” Golden Teeth first raised his left hand, and then raised his right hand to strengthen the power of his speech. “Speaking of the hard part is really the hardest… According to Master Xia Hou, the Third Young Master hopes to give all the warriors in the Soaring Dragon Continent a chance. Remember, it is open to everyone, including you and me here. If there is someone among us who can pass the test of the will, no matter what the strength is, there will be hope to join the Dragon Blood Guard Legion! The requirements are completely different from the potential and the intelligence of the Dragon Knights Legion Army because the Dragon Blood Guard legion requires only one thing— and that is persistence. Master Xia Hou said that the Third Young Master once stipulated that even if a worthless mediocre was willing to do one thing for ten years, as long as he or she has a firm will, then they can join the Dragon Blood Guard Legion. This is because as long as one’s willpower is recognised, the Third Young Master can bestow the Dragon Blood Pill to that mediocre person and immediately make them stronger!”

As soon as this was said, the entire tavern was silent.

Everyone held their breath.

The suppressed breathing and gulping sounds of the mercenaries were particularly loud in the tavern.

It took a long time before the mercenaries came back to their senses, practically when Golden Teeth was gnawing on the Charcoal-fired Demon Achyranthes.

Before Golden Teeth left, he dropped another bombshell of news, “The number of the Dragon Knights Legion Army has been reserved for three thousand, but the total number of elites from all the families in the Soaring Dragon Continent is less than three hundred. In other words, every single one of you has a chance; even your children or a three-year-old child can take the test. Maybe, one of them will be a future Dragon Knight! Everyone, I have done my part in bringing this news to your attention. There is no catch as long as you always remember one thing— the Third Young Master is the greatest. You must always remember to be grateful and don’t forget your roots!”

The mercenaries were still flabbergasted even when Golden Teeth left the tavern to continue his journey of spreading the news to the neighbouring cities.

This…Was this all a dream?

Was it true?

This shocking news had turned the Soaring Dragon Continent into a sensational atmosphere of uproar.

The Third Young Master of the Yue Clan formally courted the ladies of the Xue Family, the Da Xia Royal Family and the Tian Luo Family of the Four Major Families. The three families had also agreed to the marriage contract of the Yue Clan as they betrothed the First Miss of the Xue Family, Princess Qian Qian of the Da Xia Royal Family and City Lord Luo Hua of the Tian Luo Family to him. Among them, Miss Xue of the Xue Family would be the main wife, while Princess Qian Qian and City Lord Luo Hua would both be side wives.

The marriage news was enough to shock the world, but the promise made by the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan when he was courting the three ladies made the world overturn in chaos.

The original words of the Third Young Master were as follows:

“In order to show my respect to the Xue Family, the Da Xia Royal Family and the Tian Luo Family, I am willing to form a Dragon Knights Legion Army to take the lead and wed the brides.

This Third Young Master of the Yue Clan promises to recruit members for the Dragon Knights Legion Army to face the entire Soaring Dragon Continent, even if they are allies of the Tong Tian Tower.

The additional point is that as long as they can pass the test of potential or the test of will, no matter what strength, identity and age they are, anyone can apply to join the reserve team of the Dragon Knights Legion Army.

Once entered, in addition to receiving the best training, they will also be granted with a Flying Dragon of a strength level that was no lower than the Level 5 Innate Golden Rank waiting to be contracted.

All to ensure that any ordinary mortal can be a Dragon Knight in no time.

If the news is not surprising enough, everyone would be in for a shock later.

Because, there is no need to despair even if the test applicants do not meet the requirements for the Dragon Knights Legion Army.

The most benevolent, most generous, greatest, and most praised Third Young Master of the Yue Clan will also promise a condition that will definitely touch everyone’s hearts.

As long as the tester’s willpower is strong enough, even if their abilities are subpar, the Third Young Master will give them an opportunity. Even if they can’t join the Dragon Knights Legion Army, they can join the Dragon Blood Guard Legion and become a glorious Dragon Blood Warrior!”

This was the promise made by the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan when he was courting the three ladies, a decision that was recognized to change the destiny of the entire Soaring Dragon Continent!

When the world shed tears and admired the Third Young Master, they would never know how he had shamelessly defrauded the Double-Headed Black Dragon in the Beast Valley and how he had greedily forced the Dragon Whistle, blood, teeth, claw, horns, scales, Dragon Flame, Star Stones and Moon Gems. Now that the Soaring Dragon Continent was in a roaring sensation, no one would believe it even if someone told the truth.

Because, in the eyes of ordinary warriors, the Third Young Master of the Yue Clan was synonymous with generosity and magnanimity.

He was a sacred and inviolable existence!

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