Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 344 Enchanting Eyes

Chapter 344 Enchanting Eyes

Although the fist looked weak and devoid of killing intent, the color drained from Woo Lejia’s face the instant it landed. In that instant, he felt as if he had returned to the ring, to that fateful day where he had brushed against death. He was greatly shocked by this. After all, he had just advanced into a Supreme Great Ancestor, and as a result, his essential Qi and willpower should technically be one. Nevertheless, he was still deceived by the illusion just as easily as before. A multicolored tiger lazily crawled its way toward him, and at that moment, Woo Lejia suddenly noticed something unbelievable. ‘Th-This multicolor tiger... It’s so sexy!’ Upon opening its bloody maw, not only was Woo Lejia not terrified by it, but he was also charmed into approaching it. Woo Lejia shuddered as a chill ran down his spine. How could he have such thoughts toward a half-spirit beast?

‘What on earth has happened...’ Even if Woo Lejia was a newly ascended Supreme Great Ancestor, the fact remained that he was a Supreme Great Ancestor, and as such, he was still a considerable force to be reckoned with.

Supreme Great Ancestors have a will of iron, as once they reached the peak of the Yang Grade, physical cultivation by itself was no longer capable of raising their prowess. Due to this, they would constantly engage themselves in high-level combat to temper their mental strength, so that their spiritual will and essential Qi would merge into one.

Although such actions might not result in the cultivation of mental power, when compared to normal Yang Grade powerhouses, the difference in their willpower would be like heaven and earth. For this reason, the seemingly unbeatable Spiritual Fist that was used against the Yang Grade powerhouses would have its effects greatly reduced when faced against a Supreme Great Ancestor. As such, even if Ou Yangming had added a charm attribute to his attack, on paper, the Supreme Great Ancestor should remain unfazed.

Woo Lejia collected himself, and when he opened his eyes again, he unleashed a deafening howl. His stomach wavered slightly, and a moment later, an overwhelming force of power surged forth from his guts and poured out from his throat. Although it was not the nine-ringed saber’s sound attack, both techniques shared the same principles, and as a result, they had similar effects.

A moment later, a ripple ran through the scene before his eyes, and the seemingly empty void began to quake as if the Simulated Spiritual Fist were about to fall apart. However, the multicolored tiger widened its mouth and let loose a roar a moment later. With that, the ripples that were running amok within the illusion instantly vanished, and everything was reset back to its initial state.

Despite this, Woo Lejia had only heaved a calm sigh. Although he was still affected by the Simulated Spiritual Fist, if he were to compare the extent of the effect to when he first experienced it, he was faring much better. After all, he had a trump card up his sleeve, one that could break the simulation at that.

Sure, Ou Yangming’s Simulated Spiritual Fist might have been too powerful for him to shatter the illusion completely, but even so, at least he could avoid being utterly trampled by Ou Yangming this time. The multicolored tiger lunged forward towards Woo Lejia. In response, Woo Lejia smirked and hurled his essential-Qi-infused fist forward. Although it had only been only a month since their last battle, Woo Lejia’s body drastically changed since then. Upon launching his fist forward, a series of thunder-like cracks could be heard ringing out from his body as if he had infused the power of thunder itself into his punch.

Nevertheless, just before the punch had connected onto the multicolor tiger, the tiger curled up its gigantic body, as if it feared Woo Lejia’s might.

It looked pitifully into Woo Lejia’s eyes while curling up its body as if begging for his mercy. For some reason, Woo Lejia suddenly found himself struggling to land the blow. This was especially true once Woo Lejia noticed its wonderfully charming eyes, as he could feel his entire heart melting under its beauty. Its eyes were so powerful that it could waver even a Great Ancestor powerhouse’s willpower.

Woo Lejia took in a deep breath, and an instant later, his eyes were filled with iron-like determination once more.

He pulled back his fist, and after taking around three steps back, he then unsheathed the nine-ringed saber from behind his back.


A crisp but loud sound echoed forth from the nine-ringed saber.

In that instant, Woo Lejia noticed something. Cracks were beginning to form in his surroundings, and they were expanding rapidly. Due to his powerful Nine-ringed Soundwave attack, the illusion that was created by the Simulated Spiritual Fist was no longer able to maintain its form, or more accurately, the Spiritual Fist was no longer able to ensnare his consciousness, which in turn, enabled him to finally break free.

Despite that, Woo Lejia kept his gaze locked on the creature before him. He stared at the multicolor tiger as cracks began to form on its gigantic body as well. The creature’s enchanting eyes constantly echoed within Woo Lejia’s mind, and it was as if he had etched the sight deep within his soul, making it impossible for him to forget. Ou Yangming stood afar, and his eardrums rattled from the Nine-ringed Soundwave. Upon being hit by the move, Ou Yangming instantly realized that he could no longer bind down his opponent with the Simulated Spiritual Fist. Although Ou Yangming had the assistance of his magic tool, so too did Woo Lejia, and worse still, both weapons were created by the same hands and were of the same quality!

Despite that, Ou Yangming was delighted. Sure, Woo Lejia might have broken free from his illusion, but now that he had tested his tool out, he was finally certain that it was effective.

All he needed to do was to activate the magic tool’s charm skill, and with that, Woo Lejia was instantly mesmerized. In that case, what would happen if Ou Yangming were to combine the soundwave skill, the charm skill, and his Simulated Spiritual Fist? How powerful would the resulting attack be? Perhaps, it would be so strong that the Supreme Great Ancestor before him would topple like a domino upon being hit.

However, this was only wishful thinking. In truth, it would be difficult to carry out the act. After activating the charm ability, Ou Yangming realized that his essential Qi was being drained at a rapid pace, to the extent that it was mind boggling.

Only a short instant later, Ou Yangming had already exhausted a tenth of his essential Qi. If he were to smith a magic tool capable of using the soundwave attack and use all three skills together... Ou Yangming shuddered at the thought. ‘Would I still be standing before I’ve finished eradicating my enemies?’

‘I’m still far too weak!

He shifted his gaze towards Woo Lejia’s face, and upon noticing his expression Ou Yangming froze. In that instant, Woo Lejia had a complex look on his face, and he was blankly gazing into the air. He looked like he was happy but sad at the same time as if he was reminiscing a pleasant memory. Ou Yangming followed his gaze, but it had led to nowhere. With his brows furrowed, Ou Yangming questioned, “Brother Woo, a-are you alright?” Ou Yangming was slightly worried. Did his modified Simulated Spiritual Fist cause side effects?

Woo Lejia’s eyebrows twitched. As if jolted from a deep slumber, he forced a smile and responded, “Ah! It’s nothing...” With that, he then took one last look at the empty spot and retracted his gaze.

Ou Yangming was slightly skeptical. He asked, “Brother Woo, what did you see in there?” Woo Lejia panicked slightly. After all, with his rank of Supreme Great Ancestor, admitting to such a moment was no doubt awkward for him. Nevertheless, he could not bring himself to hide the truth from Ou Yangming. After clearing his throat loudly, Woo Lejia answered, “Brother Ou, as someone who has already merged their spiritual will and body into one, I originally thought that I would no longer fall prey to the imperial family’s Simulated Spiritual Fist. However, I...” He shook his head and asked exasperatedly, “Brother Ou, just how on earth did you manage to do


Ou Yangming gave him a secretive smile and answered, “It’s a personal secret, sorry.” Woo Lejia chuckled while shaking his head. “Actually, I can tell that it’s due to that particular piece of equipment you’re using.” Without hiding anything, he then continued, “While you were in the workshop, I sensed a powerful energy wave being emitted from it, and by my estimates, it probably enveloped half of the capital. Hehe, for such an overwhelming power to be emitted, it probably means a new magic tool has been created, right?”

Ou Yangming was startled by his analysis, and he smiled bitterly in response. “I see. I should’ve expected a strange phenomenon to ensue once I successfully forged the magic tool. Sigh, it seems like the truth is out.”

Woo Lejia nodded, but he did not prompt any further. Ou Yangming’s magic tool was his secret to keep and if Woo Lejia were to ask any further, he feared that he would incite Ou Yangming’s anger.

As such, even though Woo Lejia still longed to see those eyes again, he had decided to bury that desire deep within his heart.

A moment later, Woo Lejia stated, “Brother Ou, I’d advise you not to tell anyone that you’re improving your Simulated Spiritual Fist unless absolutely necessary.” Ou Yangming nodded seriously and answered, “I understand. Thank you for the reminder, Brother Woo.”

Although the imperial family’s Simulated Spiritual Fist was very well-known, due to how weak it was in practice, most top-tier powerhouses had paid it no mind.

In contrast, they had paid more attention to the Air-striking Fist Technique instead.

However, if one were to hear about Ou Yangming’s Simulated Spiritual Fist being effective against powerhouses of the Supreme Great Ancestor level, things would undoubtedly change.

If that were to happen, there would be people who would set out to stop Ou Yangming before he mastered the technique.

As such, Woo Lejia had advised Ou Yangming to master the technique before making it public.

Woo Lejia widened his mouth and laughed out loud, “You don’t need to hold anything back with me, Brother Ou. The reason I am who I am today is because of you, after all!” He then patted his chest and continued, “Just come to me whenever you want to test your technique on someone. I swear I won’t let a single soul hear about this!”

Ou Yangming nodded with gratitude. Woo Lejia was a good friend indeed.

Unbeknownst to Ou Yangming, however, Woo Lejia’s heart was set ablaze. He could not wait to take on the new Simulated Spiritual Fist once more!

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